For individuals looking for a convenient and anonymous mental health assessment tool to evaluate if you are suffering from mental illness, MindWoRx is an online assessment tool that can diagnose up to 29 different mental conditions. The Cognitive-based therapy modules on anxiety and depression provide the therapy content you need to start feeling better by following simple exercises and completing the worksheets.


  • Confidential and Anonymous

    We only collect enough information to be able to provision the licenses to the user. The user can utilize the full functionality of the HMS platform anonymously to avoid identification and prevent stigmatization.

  • Self-paced and Flexible

    Users can go through the whole platform at their own pace and at their own convenience. The user has the flexibility to start at any of sections of the platform, either in the self-assessment tool, the CBT modules or in the Community Support group. It all depends on the users’ preference on the right path for their own mental recovery.

  • Affordable and Convenient

    For the equivalent cost of one therapy session, users have unlimited use of all the features and functionality of the MindWoRx platform for a full year. Available 24 x 7 and from anywhere as long as the user has internet connection, it provides the user with timely and convenient online support when they need it and where they need it.

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